Election Transparency Initiative

Citizen Observer Portal

Transparency is the key to deterring fraud and ensuring free and fair elections for all voters. If you are unable to work as a formal poll watcher or poll worker, you can still contribute to election transparency by using this guide, and the associated forms linked below.

Election Day and Early In-Person Voting
On election day, or during early voting, please review and fill in the simple form (linked below) as you go through the voting process.


Pre-Election Environment
If you have time before or during election day, you can help evaluate the pre-environment in your area by completing the short survey linked below.

Incident Report Form
If you witness a serious incident of election malpractice or fraud before or during elections, you can report that using the "Incident Report Form" linked below.

Information about Election Observation
To learn more about citizen election observation, click the link below.

Election Reform Survey
Please provide your opinion on a few critical election reform issues by clicking the link below.

Get Involved
To do more to help ensure election integrity:
become a poll watcher or poll worker or join an Election Integrity group in your area; click the "Get Involved link below". At this page you can also learn more about the Election Transparency Initiative and The America Project, and how your participation will help promote election integrity. You can also get a free template to print your own Citizen Election Observer hang tag.

Together let's make the 2024 elections the freest, fairest, and most transparent election in history!

Brought to you by Citizen Election Observer 2024